Pet Sitting and Dog Boarding the dog lo Pet Sitting Dog Boardi...

the dog lover! , Abu Nseir, Amman Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding & More

Gabi Dog boarding, Pet Boarding, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting.

Gabi m

Iam 34 years old ( married ) love pets , almost all kinds of pets but dogs above all i enjoy feeding them and playing with them so is my wife :)


i dont have any restrictions


My Experience is all about dogs i used 2 have a dog 4 years ago i love spending time with them and having fun aswell , i just love em:P

Offered Services

Dog Boarding

5 JOD per night

Cat Boarding

1 JOD per night

Dog Sitting

5 JOD per visit

Cat Sitting

1 JOD per visit

Pickup and Delivery

0 JOD per boarding

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