Pet Sitting and Dog Boarding Part time Pet Sitting Dog Boardi...

Part time pet sitter , Dabouq, Amman Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding & More

Gina  Dog boarding, Pet Boarding, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting.

Gina H

I am a student and I am aiming to help fellow pet owners find a comfortable and safe environment for their pets while they’re away.


•Aggressive and non-friendly animals will not be accepted. •Contagiously sick animals will not be accepted. •Excessively loud and disruptive animals will not be accepted. •Animals that tend to destroy furniture and other belongings will not be accepted. •All animals must be provided with their food, carriers, leashes, collars...etc.


I have had a medium sized dog in the past as well as cats, birds, rabbits, turtles, hamsters, guinea pigs and fish. I currently have a cat.

Offered Services

Dog Boarding

15 JOD per night

Cat Boarding

8 JOD per night

Dog Sitting

5 JOD per visit

Cat Sitting

2 JOD per visit

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