Pet Sitting and Dog Boarding The Pug fa Pet Sitting Dog Boardi...

The Pug father. , Mahboula, Ahmadi Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding & More

Moheb Dog boarding, Pet Boarding, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting.

Moheb G

30 years old pug dad, the one thing that basically everybody knows about me is that I'm obsessed with dogs. Had my first dog when I was 7 years old. Living alone with my spoiled well behaved Pug. Nice building full of our fur best friends!


No misbehaved dogs that tear up the property, bark all night long and leave “presents” everywhere. Must be friendly with other dogs.


Had my first dog when I was 7 , and now I only have a very well behaved 4 years old Pug, had him since he was 3 month old. I already pet sit for some friends. Stuck diligently to the medication and walking schedules.

Offered Services

Dog Boarding

5 KWD per night

Cat Boarding

5 KWD per night

Dog Sitting

5 KWD per visit

Pickup and Delivery

12 KWD per boarding

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