Pet Sitting and Dog Boarding Pet lover Pet Sitting Dog Boardi...

Pet lover by nature , Ras Beirut, Beirut Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding & More

Vivian Dog boarding, Pet Boarding, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting.

Vivian C

Hello, I have dogs since I was 3 yo and simply I cannot imagine living without a dog in the house. I liked the idea of becoming a pet sitter because I always like to meet and cuddle new dogs and it will be fun for my dogs to meet new friends.


They need to be potty trained.


I had dogs since I was 3 yo and will always have them because I can't live in a house without the love of a dog. Very experienced with senior dogs as some of them lived with me for 20 years.

Offered Services

Dog Boarding

15 USD per night

Dog Sitting

12 USD per visit

Pickup and Delivery

30 USD per boarding

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