Pet Sitting and Dog Boarding Animal Lov Pet Sitting Dog Boardi...

Animal Lover , Bin Mahmoud, Doha Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding & More

Tatiana Dog boarding, Pet Boarding, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting.

Tatiana L

I have had animals since I was little, I have attended cat births and I have fed newborns, now I have Max (dog) and the girl (cat rescued) normally all the animals that we have had in my house have been rescued from abuse, my ideal world is that there are no animals on the streets and that everyone has a home.


Domestic animals, with vaccines and friendly.


I have had animals since I was little, I have attended cat births and I have fed newborns, now I have Max (dog) and the girl (cat rescued) normally all the animals that we have had in my house have been rescued from abuse, I had a dog feeding program on the street in my country. My ideal world is that there are no animals on the streets and that everyone has a home.

Offered Services

Dog Sitting

50 QAR per visit

Cat Sitting

50 QAR per visit

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