Pet Sitting and Dog Boarding My bestfri Pet Sitting Dog Boardi...

My bestfriend , IMPZ International Media Production Zone, Dubai Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding & More

Gelo Dog boarding, Pet Boarding, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting.

Gelo E

I'm a Angelo/Gelo and I really love dogs. In my profile picture Stella and Stuart is with me they are the pup's of my boss and my bestfriends. I used to stayed with them every time my boss is out of the country. I stayed to her house and be an all around houseman. I take care of the pup's+the house+The car but not the laundry. I shower the dogs , give them food on time, walk with them before and after my work, play with them. please note that I may only stay with your dogs on your own house but not in my house because my accommodation policy do not allow it. Also I'm driving here in UAE if your thinking about my transportation.


I do not have any restrictions as long your dog is very friendly and sweet.


I have 8 dogs in my country :), i may only take care maximum of 2 pets at a time.

Offered Services

Dog Sitting

0 AED per visit

Dog Walking

50 AED per hour

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